[ FAQ`s ]
Most Popular Questions
How much will it cost to stage my property?
A lot less than doing a price reduction or possibly mortgage payments because it is sitting on the market.
Every property will be different and everyone will have different budgets. A walkthrough and a consultation will mean that you will have a firm quote within 24 hours.
Will my existing furniture be able to be used?
Possibly. Generally, we can do partial staging. However, it is not available in every circumstance. We consider this on a home by home basis. We operate on the basis of clear communication.
How much notice do I need to give? How long does it take
We like as much notice as possible as we need to plan the stage, arrange delivery and ensure that the inventory we plan to use is available. Not including the consultation or off-site tasks it takes us 5-7 hours in the home to stage an average 3 bedroom home.
Do I have to have a home fully staged?
No. We do partial stages. We will discuss this with you at consultation and provide you with clear options.
Do we have furniture to suit your home?
Yes. We have a large and always growing inventory. We can style modern homes, traditional Queenslanders and also have some classic pieces.