What To Expect When You Engage A Professional Home Stager
A lot of people don’t know what to expect when they engage a home staging service. As a relatively new industry that is to be expected.
Hopefully, we can take some of the mystery out of it for you.
Stagers look at properties differently. Owners may look at homes in terms of functionality (and a professional home stager will take that into account) but elements of appeal and suggestion play into how a home will be staged also. Consideration is also given to how it may be photographed and giving photographers elements to work with is important.
When you are looking for a home stager, your agent could have recommendations for you to contact or they can contact the stager on your behalf. An indicative price can be given over the phone, but most stagers will want to do a walk through and provide a quote. The staging service will probably google your home and see past photos on realestate.com.au but they know that things change, renovations and decorating happen, so although they may have seem the layout online they come with fresh eyes.
At North Queensland Property Staging, we look at things such as colour schemes, who the property is to be marketed to – will it be owner occupier or investor? What is the demographic of the area and in Townsville that can vary greatly suburb to suburb.
What will then happen is that you receive a quote with options. These options could be a full stage, a partial stage and any remedial cosmetic works that may be recommended to be carried out. The length of the stage is usually 6 weeks but can sometimes be longer. The terms and conditions dictates when payment is required. It is usual that a 50% deposit be taken on booking and the balance payable as per terms and conditions.
On the day of installation, stay clear and let the stagers do their work without interruption or interference. They may move things multiple times. And it can be a bit chaotic with boxes, décor and soft furnishings all around but it is part of the process. At the end the home will look appealing, spacious, coordinated and most importantly, attractive to buyers.
Home staging is where creativity meets homeliness meets purchasing psychology.
Whether you use North Queensland Property Staging or another professional staging service, we hope this helps with knowing what to expect.